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"Creation for creation-itself."
The subject is not WHAT I create, but more THAT I create.


Curiosity is leading me through the art of living.

I'm always trying something new to gain new

experiences, new knowledge. I surrender myself

to the current inspiration which definitely takes

me to the place and moment where I have to create.

And then whatever arises, arises and all arising

creations are published here - on this page.






"Kreacija zaradi kreacije-same."
Bistvo ni v tem KAJ ustvarjam,ampak v tem DA ustvarjam.


Radovednost me vodi skozi umetnost življenja.

Vedno hočem poizkusiti kaj novega in s tem

pridobiti nove izkušnje, novo znanje. Prepustim se trenutnemu navdihu in ta me zagotovo popelje tja

kjer v tistem trenutku moram biti in ustvarjati.

In potem nastane kar pač nastane, vse kar nastane
pa je objavljeno tu - na tej strani.


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