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povodni mož - water man

gozdni duh - forest spirit

Čuvar korenin - root keeper

green man

gozdna vila - forest fairy

Vsakdo je Vsakdo in Vse je Vse Everyone is Everyone And Everything is Everything vodni portret na zemlji ; aqua portret on dirt

...the sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say. water portret on dirth - vodni portret na zemlji

jaz sem vesolje
I am universe narisano z grabljami - drawn with racks

jaz sem vesolje
I am universe narisano z grabljami - drawn with racks

spirala - spiral
“My path goes in spirals, perhaps in circles, but whichever way it goes, I will follow it.” narisano s škornji , drawn with boots

večnost - eternity
Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness. ― Elif Shafak narisano z grabljami - drawn with racks

We all came from Mars pyramids made of mud - piramide iz blata

ustvari svetlobo - make some light
suha zemlja na mokri zemlji dry dirth on wet dirth
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